Saturday, May 19, 2012

Eat Your Way to Healthier Hair

(pic from

You learned from grade school that all parts of your body are interconnected. You also learned from grade school that you are what you eat. When you combine these two foundations of your learning, you’ll deduce the idea that your diet essentially affects other parts of your body. It’s no surprise that what you eat affects your physique and looks. However, one of the most neglected facts about your diet is how it affects your hair. It is because of excessive hair care products on the market that people already forget the importance of supporting your hair with vitamins and nutrients essential for its condition.

You’d never realize this, up until reading this article, that natural antioxidants do wonders for your hair. Vitamins A, C and E are natural antioxidants that do not only support your daily bodily functions, but also great looking hair. Vitamin A and E are natural scalp-maintenance vitamins which in effect enhance the beauty of your hair. Vitamin A aids in the production of sebum in the scalp which is the natural oil that your hair needs in order to keep it looking naturally great. Vitamin E on the other hand helps scalp circulation for a healthier scalp which allows it for more conducive hair growth. Vitamin C, on the other hand, aids in the growth of naturally strong and thick strands of hair.

There are also nutrients that can aid you with your current hair problems. Biotin is a nutrient that you can get from protein-rich food which aids in the production of protein and keratin. If you supply enough of the recommended amount on a daily basis, this helps you in preventing hair loss and your hair from turning gray. The same effect can be reached with Vitamin B5 & B12. On the other hand, Inositol is a nutrient that you hair needs in order to maintain hair follicles in the best condition that they can be. The reason behind this is that this nutrients aids with hair growth on a cellular level for better-looking, and better-growing hair.

Lastly, maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating well, exercising daily, getting the right amount of fluids and sleep in your system can induce the best conditions for hair growth. Not only are you more oxygenated by doing all those things, it helps your system process all the vitamins and nutrients that it can. In the process, you hair also gets the best treatment it can get in the most efficient and effective way possible.

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